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Topographic maps technology in esotropia children with binocular suppression

 LIN Qi1, WU Qian1, SHI Wei1, CAO Wen-hong1, FAN Yun-wei1, YAN Li2, CHU Hang2, YU Gang1   

  1. 1. Department of Ophthalmology, Beijing Children Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100045, China; 2. National Engineering Research Center for Healthcare Devices, Guangzhou,510000,China
  • Received:2015-07-01 Online:2015-09-25 Published:2015-10-10
  • Contact: YU Gang, Email:ykyg0202@vip.163.com


 Objective We conducted this study to provide a simple and effective drawing method for examining suppression scotoma in strabismus. Design Retrospective case series. Participants We reported 16 cases of obvious visual suppression (mean age=6.81±1.68 years), including ten cases of concomitant esotropia, three cases of accommodative esotropia, and three cases of microtropia, and10 cases of normal controls with orthotropia and normal stereopsis (mean age=6.22±1.64 years). Methods The binocular vision separation was performed using polarized glasses and three-dimensional video technology. Binocular suppression was detected using two different sized sighting targets with the same shape and contrast. The computer recorded the suppression scotoma and calculated the scotoma area. Main Outcome Measures Parameters of suppression scotoma area. Results In the ten cases of concomitant esotropia, the suppression scotoma area is 101266±45695 pixels. In the 3 micrtropia cases, the suppression scotoma area is 102834±37482 pixels. In the 3 cases of accommodative esotropia inspected without glasses the scotoma area is 27206±11108 pixels, when wearing glasses it was 7664±6948 pixels (P=0.028). The greater range of suppression scotoma was produced by the relatively poor eye in all the 16 esotropia patients (t=3.444,P=0.007). In the 10 normal children, no fixed suppression scotoma was found on same inspecting condition(t=9.911,P=0.000). Conclusions The binocular vision separation by polarized glasses and three-dimensional video technology is a simple and effective method for examining suppression scotoma in strabismus. A definite correlation was found between suppression topographic map shape and size, and strabismus degree in children. (Ophthalmol CHN, 2015, 24: 320-323)

Key words: suppression scotoma, binocular polarization, polarized light, topographic maps, strabismus, amblyopia